How to Avoid the Need for Emergency Dental Care

Understanding the New Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP)

At Springbank Dental Centre, we have received numerous inquiries about the new Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP) over the past few weeks. In response, we want to provide an update on what we know so far and share information about our participation in this program.

What is the Canadian Dental Care Plan?

The CDCP is a governmental initiative intended to make dental care more accessible to Canadians who might not otherwise afford it. We at Springbank Dental Centre believe in the potential benefits of the CDCP and are committed to doing our part in providing excellent dental care to those in need.

Current Status of the CDCP

As with any new program, there are often more questions than answers, and the CDCP is no exception. The Canadian Dental Association has advised dentists to hold off on signing onto the program until more detailed information is available. This caution stems from the lack of input from dental professionals in the program's rollout and conflicting messages about its operation. Our associations have not yet endorsed the CDCP fully.

Despite these uncertainties, we feel that if the CDCP can help at-risk populations access dental care, it's worth giving it a try. Therefore, we have signed up for the program and have already started booking appointments under the CDCP.

Important Information for CDCP Patients

One Plan Only

Eligibility rules for the CDCP are specific. Please visit the CDCP website to see if you qualify. It's important to note that you cannot combine the CDCP with other plans or programs, except for a few provincial and federal oral health programs. CDCP coverage is not intended to replace existing coverage plans or pension plans. If you are enrolled in other programs like ADSC, seniors, AISH, or NIHB, let us know so we can coordinate the benefits accordingly.


Depending on your family net income, you may be eligible for "100% coverage" under the CDCP. However, this does not mean that your treatment is completely covered. The fee guide used for CDCP is lower than the Alberta Fee Guide. Even if you are 100% covered under the CDCP, there may still be a balance to pay for the remainder of the actual fees incurred according to the Alberta Fee Guide.

Direct Billing

Under CDCP guidelines, only direct billing is allowed. This means you are responsible only for the remaining co-payment, not the entire cost of the procedure(s). This approach helps patients receive treatment without having to pay the full amount upfront.


Each person under the CDCP plan will have different start dates depending on their age and when they signed up for the program. We will send predeterminations to the CDCP before your appointment to confirm that your procedure(s) are covered. While we are unsure if this step will be mandatory, we believe it will help our patients know how much their co-payment will be, eliminating surprises.

Contact Us

We hope this clarifies some of the questions you may have about the CDCP. If you have further questions, please contact the CDCP at 1-833-537-4342 or reach out to us at the clinic. We are committed to helping Canadians who desperately need dental care and will continue providing excellent dental services aimed at total body wellness.

Thank you for your time and continued support.

The Springbank Dental Team

How the Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP) Fees Work